3210 Main St, Vallecito, California 95251

Jiu Jitsu for your entire Family

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Calaveras Jiu-Jitsu: Building Champions, One Family at a Time

Jiu-jitsu isn't just for adults anymore. In fact, it's one of the fastest-growing activities for kids and families across the globe. And for good reason! Here at Calaveras Jiu-Jitsu, we've seen firsthand the incredible benefits that this gentle yet powerful martial art can bring to families of all shapes and sizes.

Why Jiu-Jitsu is Perfect for Kids

Forget the stereotypical image of martial arts. Jiu-jitsu for kids is all about fun, games, and building a strong foundation of physical and mental skills. Here are just a few of the reasons why we love it for our littlest grapplers:

  • Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: As kids learn new techniques and overcome challenges on the mat, their confidence soars. They'll walk taller, both on and off the mat.
  • Improves Focus and Discipline: Jiu-jitsu requires focus and concentration to execute techniques properly. This naturally translates into better focus and discipline in other areas of life, like schoolwork and chores.
  • Develops Motor Skills and Coordination: Rolling, gripping, and maneuvering require a full range of motor skills and coordination. Jiu-jitsu is a fantastic way for kids to improve their physical abilities and get a great workout.
  • Teaches Respect and Sportsmanship: Jiu-jitsu emphasizes respect for oneself, one's opponent, and the instructors. Kids learn valuable lessons about sportsmanship, winning with grace, and losing with humility.
  • Provides a Safe and Encouraging Environment: Our Calaveras Jiu-Jitsu family is all about creating a positive and supportive atmosphere where kids can learn, grow, and make friends.

The Whole Family Wins with Jiu-Jitsu

But the benefits of jiu-jitsu extend far beyond the kids. When families train together, they create lasting memories, build stronger bonds, and even get a little exercise themselves.

  • Quality Time Together: In our busy lives, it can be tough to find quality time to connect with our families. Jiu-jitsu provides a fun and active way to bond and create lasting memories together.
  • Shared Goals and Accomplishments: Working towards common goals and celebrating each other's successes is a powerful way to strengthen family bonds. Jiu-jitsu provides a perfect platform for this, whether it's nailing a new technique together or cheering each other on at competitions.
  • Improved Physical and Mental Health: Let's face it, getting up and moving can be a challenge for the whole family. Jiu-jitsu is a fantastic way to get everyone active and improve overall physical and mental health.
  • Stress Relief and Fun: Who doesn't need a little stress relief after a long day? Jiu-jitsu is a great way to blow off steam, have some fun, and leave your worries at the door.

Ready to Join the Calaveras Jiu-Jitsu Family?

We invite you to come experience the amazing benefits of jiu-jitsu for yourself and your family. We offer classes for all ages and skill levels, and our experienced instructors are passionate about helping families reach their full potential.

Come try a free class and see for yourself why Calaveras Jiu-Jitsu is the perfect place to build champions, one family at a time.

We're confident that you'll love it as much as we do!

Exceptional, Beginner Friendly BJJ Training

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Join us for a Gi Jiu-Jitsu Seminar with Adam Wardzinski | June 23rd, 10am - 1pm

This is an incredible opportunity to learn his Butterfly Guard Game! This seminar is open for all academies, with a discount for our Lamorinda and Calaveras students.

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